Monday, July 30, 2018

Back to School!

August 6, 2018


Count to 20!!!

This is one of the simplest, yet most challenging drama games. Sit or stand in a circle. The idea is for the group to count to twenty, one person saying one number at a time. Anybody can start the count. Then a different person says the next number – but if two or more people happen to speak at the same time, counting must start again from the beginning. It is possible to get to twenty if everybody really concentrates – but try and be relaxed as well.

Image result for welcome back to school meme


We are going to review the expectations and policies together. 
Eventually, we will collaborate together on a class contract. 

2.  Class Contract

Brainstorm at your table what a great classroom looks, sounds, and feels like.
We will use your ideas to collaboratively create a class contract for the semester.

3.  Student Questionnaire 

Complete the form as honestly as possible.
If you have any questions for me, now is a great time to ask!

  Throughout our lives, many of us find songs that resonate with our thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc.
Find THREE songs that represent your life at the current moment.

List out the artist's name and title of the song.
Then, provide a 2-3 sentence explanation as to why you picked that song to include on your personal soundtrack.

Once you complete your explanations, design an album cover for your soundtrack.
This should represent you and the songs.
We will share these to the class through a gallery walk.

Image result for music art quotes