Thursday, October 25, 2018

Gatsby Chapter Four

October 26, 2018

 RL.11-12.5 Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to construct specific parts of a text contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its effect on the reader.

EQ: Analyze how Fitzgerald's choices contribute to the overall structure and meaning of the Great Gatsby.


Write a five sentence summary of chapter four. 
Then, write a 1-2 sentence describing your impression/feelings towards Gatsby.

Image result for gatsby


 Word: Style 
Part of Speech: Noun
        Dictionary Definition: a distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles according to which something is designed.Literature definition: literary element that describes the ways that the author uses words — the author's word choice, sentence structure, figurative language, and sentence arrangement all work together to establish mood, images, and meaning in the text.Your Definition:             Activity: Describe the style of writing you enjoy the most. 
Activity: Blocks Two and ThreeLiterature Circle Discussion
      Discussion Director- 5 HOT questions. 
        Literary Luminary- 3 quotes, 3 reasons for picking the quote, 3 plans for discussion. 
   Summarizer- 5 sentence summary with 5 key points. 
Illustrator- One image that represents scene from chapter.  ( Can be literal or figurative)
Connector- 5 connections between your life, society, the world, etc and the Great Gatsby.

1.  Snowball Discussion 
Individually respond to the question: 
How does chapter four of the Great Gatsby connect to the American dream?  Find a partner and share your ideas.  Then you and your partner should join another pair.  Then your group of four should join another group of four.  Continue expanding the group until it is a whole class discussion.  I will let you know when to form bigger groups. 

2.   Foldable

Select four elements to include in a foldable.
On one side of the foldable label the four different elements you selected.
On the other side label it example.
In the style flap answer the first question that is prompted in the handout and explain why.
Finally, find an example for each element and include it under the appropriate fold.

3.  Great Gatsby Film

Compare and contrast the novel to the film. 

  Identify one similarity and one difference between the book and movie.

 HomeworkRead chapter five. 

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