Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Any Human to Another

November 15, 2018

RL.11-12.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly engaging.

Obj: I can determine the meaning of words and phrases used in Harlem Renaissance poetry to analyze the impact of meaning. 


We will watch through the video once.
Then, the second time write down all of the words.
Analyze the meaning of the video.

Image result for words


Word: Renaissance
Part of speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a movement or period of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity
Your Definition: 
Activity: Find an image that you associate with this word. 


1.  Theme for English B

Together we will review the elements of the TPCASTT.
I will collect your responses and give you credit for the think questions.

2.  Any Human to Another

At your table, complete the TPCASTT for the poem by Countee Cullen on page 245. 
Then, answer the one question that you are assigned.
You will present your responses to the class. 

3.  TPEQEA Reflection/Revision 

PromptWhich choices regarding style/structure contribute the most to the story's meaning?
Respond to the question in a TPEQEA paragraph. You should refer to the elements of style checklist and include a quote from the text. 
Due Wednesday, November 7.
What is the prompt actually asking you to analyze?  How can you break it down?What items do you need to include?How would you create a point sentence that would receive full credit?


What did you learn about the Harlem Renaissance based on the poetry?

Literature Circle Revisions are Due Tomorrow!
You will have your next benchmark tomorrow!

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